Monday, June 14, 2010

Netbucks blog is back!

Hello, are you there? Today..... our day has come. pffffsgh =D i am watching too much lord of the shitz =D Nvm. After a long period, i've decided to re-open And hell yeah i know you liked it! =D (sghhhh again)

So, where i have been last 2 years? at the same place. But, forgot id and password of this blog. So all traffic rank gone to 0 :(

But its not problem. I am fully ready and dressed up this time. Learnt seo i mean =P
And as you see, my english still suks! lmfao.

Lets talk about GPT. I will continue to check and write about GPT programs. But especially not much for PTCs. I know there are trustable ptcs around, sure you will get information about them. Dont worry. Also, will share diff. things too. Like php scripting, seo optimization, adsense, about other pta networks, affiliate programs etc..

So, see you shortly. I will try to regain traffic first. After then, articles will be here.

By the way, you must try neobux =D
Link whitout ref: Neobux