Wednesday, March 26, 2008

News, News, News...

Clix4Coins Disappeared. :)

a few weeks ago, clix4coins collapsed,
finally admin found a method to save the site...
Closing it down! :)

Now, site permanently closed. There are just google ads on the page.
its all about $3 sign-up bonus, admin think he could pay that, but 30.000 is a big price.. just for 10k members... I dont know sites user count, but i think, he cant get that from his google ads.

Btw, Clix4Coins now been a thing on the past.

BuxLand Disappeared too.. :P

I lost 12$ dam.!! :P...
There is not a reason to close up, no problems as i saw...
I can say 1 word to buxland admin, fu!
Meanwhile, i think same admin managing PROFBUX, so; take care to profbux too.
i am almost at 9$, on Profbux, they say 1 month payment time for standard users, i will wait....

Another event :P, its a little like disappear, iBux.

Yea, lawyer letter, sorry iBux admin but this seems very fake :P There is always a way!
For example; buy a new domain, copy user and advert database to it, and introduce it by mail to users or at the main page, instead of putting lawyer letter. :) nvm...
They want you to close site haha very nice and easy way to be remembered as a non-swindler :P
If they r a big company, they can buy all domains like .ca .za .ha .x .be......
And i think your mark was not ibux.
Btw, I assume this real, why you dont deposite your users cash?
1$, 100$ its not important, u must pay, if you r not a swindler, or if you dont going to bankruptcy....

Blog Changes, big big big... :)

I have eliminated a lot of gpt sites from the list, trusted + untrusted.
Including, buxpro, fullbux, ibux, extreme-bux, linksbux, etc...
I saw some of them unreliable, and there is not any payment proof pics.

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